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JAMB Fixes 2019 Mock Exam March 23rd
1-10 cdcbdbdcac
11-20 cddcbbdccc.
21-30 aabbddacdb.
31-40 cdbbadccda.
41-50 baaacbbbcd
Nii Kpakpo and Maa Tsuru are lovers in the novel
(Faceless) . Maa Tsuru is the mother of Fofo , Baby
T and some other children. She does not gave a
stable relationship as she comes across men
who impregnates her and dumps her afterwards .
Being a gullible woman , Maa Tsuru believes Nii
Kwakpo without questioning . She however
regrets her relationship with the man later in the
novelbas she realises her mistakes and gullibility .
Maa Tsuru began to feel for the pinch. She
dropped a hint to kpakpo but either he did not
get it or refused to get it. Kwakpo succeeds in
deceiving Maa Tsuru to part with her daughter ,
Baby T , only for Maa Tsuru to regret it later when
Baby T is being gruesomely murdered.
No. 4)
The novel Lonely Days has its backdrop in
pastoral setting. It reflects the predicament of
widows in African society ( Nigeria to be
The novel is a mirror of the quandary/
dilemma of a Nigeria widow battling with either
to uphold the status quo of levirate ( a system of
remarrying within family, or the practice by
which a man may be required to marry his
brother's widow). In Nigeria's rustic society, even
to some upholders of this tradition of levirate in
urban society in Yorubaland, it is culturally
acceptable for a widow after sometimes of
mourning her deceased husband to 'pick a
cap' ( remarrying to anew man) in the
The story is narrated through the plight of the
protagonist, Yaremi, along with other characters
who develop the plot structure of the novel.
Lonely Days is a novel used by Bayo Adebowale
to question the notion of cultural imposition of
levirate. The denial of the protagonist, Yaremi to
pick a cap, by invariably living a solitary life adds
credence to this cultural practice (levirate) as
obsolete (old fashioned).
Bigger Thomas as America's Native Son
In the novel the Native Son, the author Richard
Wright explores racism and oppression in
American society. Wright skillfully merges his
narrative voice into Bigger Thomas so that the
reader can also feel how the pressure and
racism affects the feelings, thoughts, self-image,
and life of a Negro person. Bigger is a tragic
product of American imperialism and exploitation
in a modern world. Bigger embodies one of
humankind's greatest tragedies of how mass
oppression permeates all aspects of the lives of
the oppressed and the oppressor, creating a
world of misunderstanding, ignorance, and
The novel is loaded with a plethora of imageries
of a hostile white world . Wright shows how white
racism affects the behavior, feelings, and
thoughts of Bigger.
"Everytime I think about it I feel like somebody's
poking a red-hot iron down my throat…We live
here and they live there. We black and they
white. They got things and we ain't. They do
things and we can't…I feel like I'm on the
outside the world peeping in through a knot-hole
in the fence…" (20).
Bigger's sense of constriction and of
confinement is very palpable to the reader.
Wright also uses a more articulate voice to
accurately describe the oppressive conditions of
a Negro person. An anonymous black cellmate, a
university student cries out,
"You make us live in such crowded conditions…
that one out of every ten of us is insane…you
dump all stale foods into the Black Belt and sell
them for more than you can get anywhere else…
You tax us, but you wont build hospitals…the
schools are so crowded that they breed
perverts…you hire us last and fire us
first…" (318)
Bigger's sense of constriction by the white world
is so strong that he has no doubt that
"something awful's going to happen to
me…" (21).
Nowhere in this novel can the reader see a
greater example of Bigger's fear and sense of
constriction than in the accidental death of Mary
Dalton. The all-encompassing fear that the white
world has bred in Bigger takes over when he is in
Mary's room and in danger of being discovered
by Mrs. Dalton. This internalized social
oppression literally forces his hands to hold the
pillow over Mary's face, suffocating her. Bigger
believes that a white person would assume that
he was in the room to rape the white girl.
Bigger's violent reaction to fear is inevitable.
When a person finds all outlets of expression and
development either closed or severely
constrained, like Bigger's, violence is often the
instinctive reaction to oppression.
kindly subscribe now to get d answers
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld from Glo Mobile.
1-10 cdcbdbdcac
11-20 cddcbbdccc.
21-30 aabbddacdb.
31-40 cdbbadccda.
41-50 baaacbbbcd
Nii Kpakpo and Maa Tsuru are lovers in the novel
(Faceless) . Maa Tsuru is the mother of Fofo , Baby
T and some other children. She does not gave a
stable relationship as she comes across men
who impregnates her and dumps her afterwards .
Being a gullible woman , Maa Tsuru believes Nii
Kwakpo without questioning . She however
regrets her relationship with the man later in the
novelbas she realises her mistakes and gullibility .
Maa Tsuru began to feel for the pinch. She
dropped a hint to kpakpo but either he did not
get it or refused to get it. Kwakpo succeeds in
deceiving Maa Tsuru to part with her daughter ,
Baby T , only for Maa Tsuru to regret it later when
Baby T is being gruesomely murdered.
No. 4)
The novel Lonely Days has its backdrop in
pastoral setting. It reflects the predicament of
widows in African society ( Nigeria to be
The novel is a mirror of the quandary/
dilemma of a Nigeria widow battling with either
to uphold the status quo of levirate ( a system of
remarrying within family, or the practice by
which a man may be required to marry his
brother's widow). In Nigeria's rustic society, even
to some upholders of this tradition of levirate in
urban society in Yorubaland, it is culturally
acceptable for a widow after sometimes of
mourning her deceased husband to 'pick a
cap' ( remarrying to anew man) in the
The story is narrated through the plight of the
protagonist, Yaremi, along with other characters
who develop the plot structure of the novel.
Lonely Days is a novel used by Bayo Adebowale
to question the notion of cultural imposition of
levirate. The denial of the protagonist, Yaremi to
pick a cap, by invariably living a solitary life adds
credence to this cultural practice (levirate) as
obsolete (old fashioned).
Bigger Thomas as America's Native Son
In the novel the Native Son, the author Richard
Wright explores racism and oppression in
American society. Wright skillfully merges his
narrative voice into Bigger Thomas so that the
reader can also feel how the pressure and
racism affects the feelings, thoughts, self-image,
and life of a Negro person. Bigger is a tragic
product of American imperialism and exploitation
in a modern world. Bigger embodies one of
humankind's greatest tragedies of how mass
oppression permeates all aspects of the lives of
the oppressed and the oppressor, creating a
world of misunderstanding, ignorance, and
The novel is loaded with a plethora of imageries
of a hostile white world . Wright shows how white
racism affects the behavior, feelings, and
thoughts of Bigger.
"Everytime I think about it I feel like somebody's
poking a red-hot iron down my throat…We live
here and they live there. We black and they
white. They got things and we ain't. They do
things and we can't…I feel like I'm on the
outside the world peeping in through a knot-hole
in the fence…" (20).
Bigger's sense of constriction and of
confinement is very palpable to the reader.
Wright also uses a more articulate voice to
accurately describe the oppressive conditions of
a Negro person. An anonymous black cellmate, a
university student cries out,
"You make us live in such crowded conditions…
that one out of every ten of us is insane…you
dump all stale foods into the Black Belt and sell
them for more than you can get anywhere else…
You tax us, but you wont build hospitals…the
schools are so crowded that they breed
perverts…you hire us last and fire us
first…" (318)
Bigger's sense of constriction by the white world
is so strong that he has no doubt that
"something awful's going to happen to
me…" (21).
Nowhere in this novel can the reader see a
greater example of Bigger's fear and sense of
constriction than in the accidental death of Mary
Dalton. The all-encompassing fear that the white
world has bred in Bigger takes over when he is in
Mary's room and in danger of being discovered
by Mrs. Dalton. This internalized social
oppression literally forces his hands to hold the
pillow over Mary's face, suffocating her. Bigger
believes that a white person would assume that
he was in the room to rape the white girl.
Bigger's violent reaction to fear is inevitable.
When a person finds all outlets of expression and
development either closed or severely
constrained, like Bigger's, violence is often the
instinctive reaction to oppression.
kindly subscribe now to get d answers
Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless handheld from Glo Mobile.
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