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JAMB Fixes 2019 Mock Exam March 23rd
Verified Eng OBJ
(1-10) cadcbcccad
(11-20) dbdbdddaba
(21-30) bbdacabbbc
(31-40) baabbbbdab
(41-50) dbaaababcc
(51-60) abcbbbbccb
(61-70) dbdccadabb
(71-80) cdabbdacdd
Verified English Oral answers
(1-10) bcbaacbbcd
(11-20) abcccbaccb
(21-30) cabdbddacd
(31-40) cdcadbadac
(41-50) cccbaabaad
(51-60) bcacaacbcc
The writer's father warned them for the unsafe incidences
that happen in the community lately.
(6b)The quotation is a "stone thrown from ours"
(6c)The toys were discovered for he has spotted them
before and the injury by the writer
(6d)he jumped down unbalancedly
(6e)The father did not believe his son could be outside at
that time despite his fore warning
(i)Noun phrase
(ii)it is the object of the verb "raised"
The factors that have prompted the rapid increase in the
world population are:
(i) Improvement in medical services which have reduced
deaths rates
(ii) The spread of education has created a wide level of
awareness about human welfare and health
(iii) There is improvement in nutrition in nutrition due to
modern agricultural research
(iv) Adequate security in place to check wars and riots
The things that are likely to follow the continuing
population growth are:
(i) Over population,the planet earth maybe too small to
host human beings
(ii) Too many people will contribute to environmental
Pride goes Before a Fall.
People are never fond of anyone who is proud, over
confident or over bearing. It is better to be humble than to
have a superiority complex Invariably pride not only
brings your downfall but also makes you look foolish. But
people who are proud realize this only when they face a
grave situation in life and the experience teaches them a
valuable lesson.
Once there was a beautiful antelope that lived in a forest.
He was very proud of his antlers and knew that it helped
him look majestic. The antelope would feel very proud
whenever other animals stopped by to have a look at him.
He always thought that he was a special creation and all
the other creatures were no match for him in looks.
But he was always discontented about his legs. He thought
his legs were too thin and wished he had better-looking
legs. His attitude was so haughty that the other animals did
not befriend him at all. No one really liked or respected
him although they did agree that he was a very good-
looking antelope.
One day as he was quenching his thirst in a lake the
antelope suddenly heard the sound of hunters nearby. He
had been too busy admiring his reflection in the water that
he had not heard the sound of the hunters earlier. Fear
gripped him and he ran as fast as he could. The hunters
were closing in on him but his legs were so powerful that he
was much faster than them.
As he ran through the trees his antlers got caught in the
branches of a tree and the antelope could not run further.
He struggled to free his antlers and could hear the hunters
getting closer. It was then that he realized that what he had
all along thought of being his best feature was actually
getting him into trouble. Whereas his legs which he had
always looked down upon was actually saving his life.
Luckily with a little struggle the antelope was able to free
its antlers from the branches and run to safety. The
antelope realized at that moment that its pride had almost
cost its life. All along, it had been very proud of its antlers
and was blind to the dangers that it might bring about. Now
it realized the value of being humble and was happy to be
alive. Thereafter the antelope always thought very high of
its legs.
(2) The morals and values of todays society have really
For an example;
The younger generation have little respect for elders, their
parents or authority figures which
leads to a higher
crime rate among our children.
This is the reason there is no respect for others belongings,
people take what they want instead of asking
for it.
The reason the morals and values are like they are in
todays society, is because the parents do not take the
time to teach their children, to show respect to their elders
or to show respect
for others.
They are not taught the value of family, so
instead the children
are spoiled with material belongings which puts the parents
in a position of having to by them what they want
regardless of the
cost this instills lack of morals and greed in ourchildren.
The rate of teen pregnancy is a lot higher and the number
of women being pregnant without being married is higher
than it was in years past. The lack of morals has led to the
violence and
the drug use by society today. I believe that this stems from
the type of
programing that our
youth are watching on television today and they are using
the characters on television , and musicians as role models
rather than their parents.
Another reason for the lack of morals and values is both
parents have to work, due to the shape of our economy
which leaves the children without proper guidance and
them to learn from bad examples.
There are a lot of young parents that are into partying and
so they do not supervise their children and they run lose
getting into trouble. We need to instill better morals in our
children and teach our youth the family values to do this we
need to start spending quality time with our children, and
monitor what our children are watching on television. We
should spend more family time with our children either
playing games,planting a garden, or helping with
their school work. We could teach children better morals
and values by being a good role model for.
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